The Sports Legacy Program of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation accepts and welcoms the donation and Charity Runner applications for the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity

For more details,please visit the the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity official website:

About Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon Charity

This is an initiative to expand the circle of charity activities through the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon.
You can support this initiative by making donations. Those who donate more than the amount specified by the charity organization and wish to run as a Charity Runner,may be selected as a Charity Runner and asked to promote the charity activieies while participating in the event.

Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity
Entry Information

Official Charity Programs
Tokyo Marathon Foundation Sports Legacy Program
Maximum entrants
How to apply
Apply for a donation through the donation system at the bottom of the page.
Application Procedures & Schedule
①For those who wish to make a donation application,and also wish to run the event as a Charity Runner
 Donation & Charity Runner Application period:
  April 26 (Friday), 11:00 a.m. – May 24 (Friday), 5:00 p.m.(JST)
 Entry Period
  April 26 (Friday), 11:00 a.m. – May 24 (Friday), 5:00 p.m.(JST)
  Must be at least 18 years of age on the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 race day.
  ※All rules and regulations set forth for the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 apply to Charity Runners.

②For those who wish to donate only
 Application Period:
  April 26 (Friday), 11:00 a.m. – May 24 (Friday), 5:00 p.m.(JST)
  *Minimum amount of donation shall be 1,000 JPY
Charity Runners Selection Criteria
1) Donations per person is 50,000 yen or more: Mandatory
2) First-come-first-served basis
* Charity runner registration (participation) is voluntary for donatiors
* Eligibility for participants as a Charity runner includes fulfilling all others requirements and regulations applicable to general marathon participants.

How your donations are used

In its Sports Legacy Program,the Tokyo Marathon Foundation carries out activities based on the four keywords and key concepts of “Sports Dream(Enhancement and Education),””Sports Foundation (Facilities),””Sports Expansion (Public Awareness),” and “The Power of Sports (Contributing to Society),” in order to use the platform of sports, unfettered by the boundaries between competitive sports and recreational sports,to pass on a legacy of a brighter future for Tokyo and Japan in the 21st century.

See more details

Donor program

Finish lounge exclusively for Charity Runners will be made avaliable.(provisional)